“At least one participant in today’s event believes that this is their US Open. Let’s make it special for them!” Let's personalize your event. Click here to view the custom portal created for the 2021 MHC Invitational Ladies Cross Country Turkey Shoot. Dusk falling as we get ready for the Men's Invitational Opening Night. It's more than just a golf tournament! Themes are great for bringing the good times to Nine & Dines! The right course set up and some supportive fans can be the key to a good competition. Another smiling Champion! 9 years old & 9-Holes from 2500 yards. How 'bout that score! Covid '19 Set Up: The show must go on! Qualifying Scoreboard created in Publisher. Match Play Scoreboard with calligraphic personal touches. Creative scoring for a creative event format. 2021 Golf & Summer Party Event. A collaborative team effort brought all the details together. Golfers are on the course and even the weather turned out perfect! Everyone likes awards! Invitational Champs after an exciting shootout. Time to celebrate the Flight Winners. Some awards won't last as long as others but the memories will surely remain. Who is gonna cook that bird?